City Eye Doctor in Brockton, MA: Meet Dr. Connie Ho

At City Eye Optometry, we pride ourselves on providing exceptional care to our patients using the latest technology. The care we provide is important so at City Eye we look for the best eye doctors. Dr. Connie Ho recently joined City Eye as an optometrist in Brockton MA. We interviewed the Brockton optometrist, Dr. Connie Ho, to learn about her path and experiences with optometry.

Dr. Ho shared her insights and experiences in the field. She discussed her career path and what led her to become the optometrist she is today. We learned about the challenges and rewards of working in optometry from Dr. Ho's perspective.

Meet Dr. Connie Ho


Dr. Ho is a proud Boston Native. She received her Doctor of Optometry OD degree from New England College of Optometry in 2015. Aside from providing primary eye care, Dr. Ho's clinical interests include diagnosing and treating glaucoma and other eye conditions.

Most of her years of optometry school, she spent studying. However, she also had the time to pick up some snowboarding.  Outside optometry, she spends her time crocheting amigurumi or working on some DIY projects.


Dr. Ho at her graduation ceremony

What motivated you to join City Eye?

Dr. Connie Ho was looking forward to providing care as our Brockton eye doctor in City Eye. She recalls "everyone being so friendly and welcoming" when she came in for her interview.

As an eye care professional, she liked how City Eye aims to give patients the best care using the latest technology.

"City Eye lets me focus on helping patients with glaucoma or dry eye disease, which are my specific interests. The supportive and innovative atmosphere at City Eye made it an easy choice for me."


Dr. Ho at her white coat ceremony


Dr. Ho is amazed by how much optometrists can learn about a patient's health by examining their eyes. During a comprehensive eye exam, optometrists can gather valuable information about a patient's overall health. This shows the importance of regular eye exams in maintaining overall well-being.

One of the biggest conditions optometrists can sometimes diagnose from just looking inside the eye health is diabetes.

"We're sometimes the first providers to know a patient has diabetes before it's confirmed with a blood test. How amazing is that? "

Dr. Ho finds it extremely rewarding to help diagnose and manage systemic conditions early on. Our eye doctors can identify and treat various eye problems such as macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy early on.

What inspired you to pursue a career in optometry?

Dr. Connie Ho is the preferred Brockton eye doctor for a reason. Dr Ho has extensive experience which starts in a rural part of China at an elementary school. Dr. Ho was surprised when she saw some of her students sitting right next to the blackboard. She quickly realized the students did this so they could see what she was writing.

"Before that, it never truly occurred to me how inaccessible vision care was to many populations around the world."

Dr. Ho felt inspired to become an optometrist to help more people improve and protect their vision. She realized vision is crucial for quality of life and from then, she made it her goal to make it accessible to all.

What aspects of your future career are you most excited about?

As Dr. Ho recently moved to the South Shore, she is looking forward to establish roots in her new community and home.

"It's an exciting time of growth and new beginnings both professionally and personally."

Dr. Ho and her community during her clinical rotations.  

Can you share a memorable experience from your career as an optometrist?

Dr. Ho shares:

An elderly man I saw had moderately reduced vision with his 10-year-old glasses. After refracting him, his visual acuity improved from 20/50 to 20/20 in each eye.

I put the new prescription in a trial frame. He tried out the new prescription to see if he could adjust to the changes. It turned out that the prescription changed more than expected.

After a few steps, he confusingly asked for his wife to come into the exam room. As soon as she stepped into the room, he stared directly at her and grinned. He touched her cheek and told her how beautiful she looked to him.

I didn't know who blushed more, me or his wife. All in all, it was incredibly heartwarming and it felt like a scene right out of a Hallmark movie.


Dr. Connie's Ho journey and experience led her to City Eye. If you are looking for an optometrist near you that values their work, look no further than Dr. Connie Ho. Her deep commitment to patient care and her passion for the field stands out to all of us. Having your eye examined should be a welcoming experience.

Dr. Ho embodies the values of compassion, innovation, and excellence that define City Eye. We are also looking forward to seeing her form new relationships in her community.

At City Eye, we are more than happy to bring on Dr. Ho to our team. To schedule a comprehensive eye exam at Brockton, MA with Dr. Connie Ho click here or call 978-208 -2390. We hope to see you soon.


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